Hi there, my name is Theresa. 13 years ago I met the love of my life, we got married and eventually started a family. 2 kids later after realizing I was a single parent in my marriage in 2019 I finally accepted in my heart that my marriage was over. I told my husband I was done being the only one willing to try and fix our issues. I asked him to move out. 2 days before he was scheduled to move out I found out I was pregnant with our 3rd daughter. It didn’t change my mind, so I was on my own having our 3rd. He moved out March 9th and I filed for divorce March 28, 2019.
Now, I am a single mommy to 3 little girls Layla is 6 years old my sensitive and nurturing oldest, Lexie is 4 years old she is my good girl, she is so lovable and caring then there is my baby Lakelynn Pearl she is 3 months old, my precious gift from God. I wanted a 3rd child and prayed for her and here she is the happiest baby with the most heart melting smile. I am triple blessed.
I am an entrepreneur working from home while juggling life as a single parent. The hustle is real being self employed yet I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Prior to motherhood I worked in Finance for 16 years. Nope, not interested in drinking that corporate kool-aide ever again.
The journey of being a mom is hard, add being a single mom is 1000x’s harder. There is no one there to give you a break, no one to get up with the baby in the middle of the night. Sometimes life throws us hard times however with a lot of hard work and a lot more patience we come out with great life experiences, that we can share with those around us. What’s the old saying “do as I say, not as I do” well that’s me. Learn from my obstacles and triumph’s going through a separation while pregnant and a divorce.