
5 Items You Can Sell for a Quick Profit

Selling items for a quick profit can be done in your spare time. Regardless if you are a single mom or a working parent and just trying to make ends meet selling second hand item’s can be good side hustle.

Start with the stuff in your house see what you don’t use and sell them. There are 4 items you can sell for a quick profit. Imagine if you could buy things and sell them for a profit? Did you know it is a job that anyone can do?

You do not have to be a full-time reseller, even if you are looking to make some extra cash to buy a new wardrobe or for your next vacation. It is an easy way to help increase your cashflow or turn this side hustle into a full-time income.


I started out selling toys that my kids no longer played with or I just wanted to get rid of to make room in my house. Kids toys can be expensive, if you buy them second hand you only pay a fraction of the cost.

My most profitable kid’s toys that sell fast are activity cubes and little tykes cars or playhouses. These two types of toy’s always get a quick flip. I used to post on Craigslist however since more traffic is on Facebook, I list them locally and boom sold within a day or two. So, if you ever come across these items free or cheap, they are good sellers.

Hair Styling Tools

Have you ever priced high end hair curling irons, flat irons, or hair clippers? Wow they can be pricey. If you are on a budget and want quality hair tools buying them second hand it the best option for your budget. You can sell hair styling tools for quick cash.

If you can pick them up for a few dollars you will be able to flip them for some decent cash. Usually ¼ of the retail price is a safe price point. Keep in mind most people want a deal so when your posting your items for sale always pad a little more than you want so you have room to negotiate.

Small Kitchen Appliances

Food processors or certain blenders and coffee makers are expensive but lasts for ages. If you can find them at a garage sale or thrift store you can make a good return on your investment. Make sure you plug them in and ensure they work or at least turn on. Try to stay away from old dirty appliances they tend to take too long to clean. If it is just a little dusty or needs a quick wipe down then you can clean it easily.

Always look online doing a quick google search to see what the appliance is new. Knowing the new price helps you figure out what you could sell it for pre-owned. Usually you can sell it for a fraction of what it would cost new.

If you list locally on Facebook marketplace or Craigslist then you do not have to pay a fee. If you are planning to sell the item on Ebay you have you factor in how much fee Ebay will keep when you sell the item.


I know your probably thinking really tools why would I want to pick them up. You can find some small hand tools like drills for cheap and turn them into fast cash. I have personally found some really good items at garage sales that sold for a profit.

Just make sure you only look for working tools. If it’s missing a part or doesn’t turn on then pass and look for something else. If you find tools for a cheap price you can sell them for fast cash.

It just takes a little time and planning to turn a sourcing trip into a major profit.


I love jewelry I like to try it on and buy it. If you are familiar with popular styles or brands you can seek them out at a thrift store to flip for a profit. If you go to thrift stores you can ask them when they will be putting out new items each week then just go on those days. There are a few local places that have gotten to know me because I buy there consistently.

When you find that honey spot for good inventory then keep going to that location. I have a few places I visit weekly then some weeks I like to switch it up and go to a different location.

Jewelry is easy to store and you can have a lot that doesn’t take up too much space.

Final Thoughts

Finding things to flip can be fun and exciting. It’s like a treasure hunt you just never know what you are going to find. Make sure you check the item out thoroughly to ensure it is not broken or too worn out. I like to ask myself “would I buy this?” If the answer is no then leave it for someone else. If the price it right and you know you can sell it then grab it.

Once you get your items home clean them, photograph and get them listed right away. You don’t want to sit on items that you spent money on and not get your money back plus some. Motivation enough should be knowing once you sell the items you bought you can use part of the profit to go look for other items to sell. It never gets boring.

Finding things to flip can be fun and exciting. It’s like a treasure hunt you just never know what you are going to find. Make sure you check the item out thoroughly to ensure it is not broken or too worn out.

I like to ask myself “would I buy this?” If the answer is no then leave it for someone else. If the price it right and you know you can sell it then buy it.

Once you get your items home clean them, photograph and get them listed right away. You don’t want to sit on items that you spent money on and not get your money back plus some. Motivation enough should be knowing once you sell the items you bought you can use part of the profit to go look for other items to sell. It never gets boring.

Have you ever flipped something you found at a thrift store or garage sell? Leave me a comment and tell me about it. 

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