
5 Things Mom’s Should Do Each Morning

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In this post I’m going to give you some ideas how to make time for yourself when it seems impossible.

You’ll see how doing some or all of these things will allow you to start your day off already feeling accomplished.

I am excited to share with you some things you can do in the morning each day. I am a firm believer that all mom’s deserve time alone to recharge. If your like me, you don’t get a break and have to create moments to yourself.

You want to ensure you raise happy healthy kids and in order to do that momma’s need to do some things for themselves.

In this blog post I will focus on the 5 things you can do each morning. Can you do 1 of them or all 5 of them. It’s up to you and your time to decide what you want to do.

Having a morning routine is key to running a successful single mom household. It all starts with you, the energy you give is the energy you children will give off. Finding time for yourself in the morning will not only make for a great start of the day it will set the tone. Happy mom means happy kids. The more organized you are the less stressed you will feel.

I am a big believer in everything has it’s place, in time that is. Structure is the main ingredient between having a great morning or a hectic one. Being a single mom comes with enough responsibilities. Being unorganized and stress will only make mornings harder.

Carving time out for yourself can seem impossible.

Keeping your schedule will ensure you are able to provide your kids with the best start of their day. So both mom and kids are productive. Being the best mom to your kids doesn’t have to mean that you never have time for yourself.

Remember you were a woman before you had children. If you give yourself alone time you can ensure you are raising happy, well loved and mannered kids.

  1. Wake up before the kids

Wake up before the kids so that you can collect your thoughts, enjoy your coffee or tea.

Shoot just have some alone time checking social media. See what your friend Sally has been up to on Facebook. Scroll through Pinterest to get ideas for meals next week.

This is your time use it however you want. When I wake up early I tend to notice I am happier, relaxed and motivated to get a lot accomplished for the day. The days I overslept or didn’t get any me time before the kiddos woke up I was cranky and it impacted my mood all day. Starting the day grouchy is not a good way to start.

If you are like me and nursing a baby there really is no morning, the days and nights of nursing a newborn every 2 hours is your life. Days run into nights and so forth. However if your kids are a little older you can definitely implement these mommy morning routines. It’s not all about changing diapers and feeding the kiddos.

2. Have a to do list plan..plan..plan

Writing down everything that you need to do. It might sound like more work and time you don’t have, it will make you more efficient with your time.

Knowing what you need to complete for the day gives you goals to strive towards. If you are like me you are task driven and need to feel like you have completed something. Stress is less when your day is planned out.

Checking off each task as you complete it gives a feeling of glory, like what you thought might have been impossible to get done is now off your mind. Onto the next task on your to do list.

I have 3 kids and if I don’t use my to do list then I feel like a chicken with my head cut off. It’s too much for one person to remember to do everything between getting work done, taking the kids to and from school, doctor’s appointments, grocery shopping, cleaning the house, laundry and paying the bills.

If momma doesn’t do it, it doesn’t get done.

Help your future you out and make a to do list and get those things done.

3. Exercise or Meditate

Getting in some form of exercise or meditation first thing in the morning can help set you up for a successful day. Our minds and bodies get a chance to warm up and allow us to accomplish the impossible.

Working out or meditating on a regular basis can make you feel amazing physically and mentally.

Doing this in the morning before anyone is up ensures it gets done.  I know if I waited until the evening time to exercise then I would never do it. Once I get the kids from school it’s all about homework, dinner, bath’s, reading and just spending time with them.

There are so many obstacles that might come up throughout the day or evening so getting it done in the morning means you have already completed it and that is something you can check off your to do list.  

Your body has done something extraordinary carrying a child, so take care of it because it’s the only one you have.

Ever notice when you don’t exercise or haven’t meditated that you feel sluggish and not motivated? Yep, that’s because exercise releases endorphins and that allows for your body to kick into gear and leave you to wanting more.

Natural energy comes from clearing the mind with exercise and mediation.

4. Read a good book

Whenever you pick up a good book you enter another world. In that moment when you are reading nothing else really matters. You get to anticipate what will happen next in the story as you try to read as many pages as you can.

What better way to keep your mind sharp then to pick up a book. Reading is a free hobby anyone can do.

You don’t have to go anywhere. You can stay in bed.

5. Listen to music or your favorite motivational podcast

Music is like exercise it provides happy endorphins that are released. Music can be motivating to get the day started. Put on some upbeat music and get your exercise on. Try some soft classical music and just lay in a bubble bath and relax.

Motivational podcast provides a pep talk to you when no one else is around.

Podcast’s are great because they allow you to feel self empowered that you can do anything. Successful people listen to podcasts.

It’s easy, you stay in bed and listen to music or a podcast. Just put your ear bud in, only one so you can still hear the kids in case they wake up. Allow your mind and body to divulge the music or podcast.

Listening to podcasts while you are working out helps knock off two things on your to do list at once. You get your physical exercise and you might learn something from a podcast.

Final Thoughts

There you go! 5 simple easy momma morning things you can do.

By allowing yourself some me time as a single momma, take advantage of some things you can do for yourself.

Doing these things has allowed me to start my day feeling refreshed and ready for what the day has in store for me.

Now I am more patient, less stressed and organized throughout my day.

Don’t forget just because you’re a single mom doesn’t mean you can’t have time for yourself or that you don’t deserve alone time.

Making the time to enjoy the things you love will allow you to be a better momma.

Teaching our children that it’s not all about them makes for raising children that are not selfish.

You deserve to be the best mom you can be.

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